Oral Report

Instructions: Think of this oral report as a “highlight reel” that gives an overview of your paper delivered verbally to your audience. Everyone will have about 5 minutes to present, although you can leave the last minute or so for taking questions from your audience if you run out of time. If you are choosing to present on the Critical Analysis Conference Paper, your oral report should include:

  • What your topic is
  • What your inspiration text is
  • Your thesis statement (which establishes the meaning of the text, forms an opinion about that meaning, and demonstrates how the ideas in the work connect to the world at large)
  • A brief summary of the supplementary sources you found, along with any relevant rhetorical analysis that contributed to your argument
  • A brief summary of your own argument with any original contributions you’re making to the field and how you see the conversation around your topic progressing moving forward (if you plan on doing more research, if you think there are any places in the research that need more attention, and any questions that came up for you while you were researching)

For this assignment, I chose to present on the topic of my Critical Analysis Conference Paper. Below is a copy of my slideshow presentation in JPEG format.